What Is Scouting ?

童军活动是一种生活教育 Scouting is....... Education for life

* 童军活动可补充学校和家庭的不足。童军活动是以发展自我的智识、冒险的精神,以及好奇的心去发现新事物。
* Scouting complements the school and the family, filling needs not met by either. Scouting develops self knowledge, the need to explore, to discover, to want to know.

* 童军活动是去发现教室以外的世界,提倡可以学习的技术,和传送智识给别人。
* Scouts discover the world beyond the classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn, and passing that knowledge on to others.

童军活动是一项青少年的运动 Scouting is.........A movement for Youth

* 童军活动是一项动态的运动。童军活动参考各地社会的条件而设计,并服务各地社会的需要。
* Scouting is a Movement... on the move. Evolving and adapting everywhere according to local conditions, serving according to local needs.

童军是国际性的 Scouting is..... International

* 全世界超过 216 个国家或地区里有正式的童军组织或办事处。
* There are recognized Scout organizations and branches in more than 216 countries and territories.

童军是成长的 Scouting is....... Growing

* 童军自从 1907 年创立以来 一直不断的在成长!今天全世界有超过 2,500 万的男女童军! 过去 20 年来童军人口成长了一倍! (1980-2000) ,而且大部份童军人口的成长来自于开发中国家!
* Scouting has never stopped growing since its founding in 1907. Today there are more than 25 million members - boys and girls. Scouting has doubled its membership in the last 20 years. Much of the growth is in developing countries.

童军是对大家开放的 Scouting is.......Open to all

* 童军活动是大家的,不管种族和背景,只要依照创办人贝登堡爵士构想的目的、原则和方法去实施即可。
* Scouting is open to all, regardless of race or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by its founder Robert Baden-Powell.

童军是好玩的,但具有教育的目的 Scouting is.......Fun, with a purpose

* 童军活动经由休闲娱乐的方式,帮助青少年发展身体、智识、群性和精神的目的。
* Through recreation, Scouting achieves its purpose to help young people develop physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually.

童军活动对成年人也是一种挑战! Scouting is......Also a challenge for adults

* 童军活动是成年人帮助青少年成长的机会!童军活动是一种改善两代间沟通的方式!经由服务,成人领袖在个人的成长中也可获得宝贵的训练和经验。

童军活动是...是一种方法: Scouting is ... A method

* 童军是要自我承诺的
* Making a personal commitment

* 童军具有简单的生活的规范 : 童军诺言和童军规律
* To a simple code of living: the Scout Promise and Law.

* 做中学、学中做
* Learning by doing

* 和别人一起实际操作
* active participation, with others.

* 小队制度
* Working in small group

* 以小队制度发展领导能力、 团体技能和个人责任。
* in patrols to develop leadership, group skills, and individual responsibility.

* 激励性的活动方案
* Stimulating Programmes

依据青少年的兴趣规划活动进程。童军活动是与大自然接近的, 从大自然特有的简易性、 创造性和发现性的丰富学习环境, 提供青少年冒险和挑战的机会。

Progressive activities based on the interests of young people. Activities in contact with nature, a rich learning environment where simplicity, creativity, and discovery come together to provide adventure and challenge.

童军活动是...具有生活规范的:Scouting is ... A code of living

在精神方面 A Spiritual dimension

* 自我承诺在物质的社会中去寻找生活的精神价值。
* a commitment to seek the spiritual value of life beyond the material world.

在群性方面 A Social dimension

* 参与社会的发展, 尊重别人的尊严和保全大自然的原貌。 促进地方、国家和国际社会的和平、了解和合作。
* participating in the development of society, respecting the dignity of others and the integrity of the natural world. Promoting local, national and international peace, understanding and cooperation.

在个性方面 A Pesonal dimension

* 发展个人负责的本性和刺激个人欲望的表达。
* developing a sense of personal responsibility and stimulating the desire for responsible self-expression.

童军参与...符合真正的需要 Scouts are involved in meeting Real Needs

* 童军参与面对自我社会的许多事务。童军和小区的人们一起完成共同的目标。
* Scouts are involved in a vast number of issues facing the communities where they live.

* 童军和朋友、邻居、小区领袖或其它的组织一起工作。
* Scouts work with others in the community to achieve mutual objectives. They work with friends, neighbours, community leaders and other organizations.

* 项目工作,是开发中国家和工业化国家的童军双边合作的。
* Many work on projects of bilateral cooperation between Scouts in developing and industrialized countries.

童军是热衷于下列的问题...Scouts are involved in ...

* 儿童健康 child health
* 毒品防制 drug abuse prevention
* 饮水和公共卫生之改善 clean water and sanitation
* 适当的科学技术 appropriate technology
* 廉价房屋 low-cost housing
* 读写能力 literacy
* 和平教育 peace education
* 生存技能训练 life skills training
* 危难中的儿童 children at risk
* 整合残障同胞 integration of the handicapped
* 家庭生活教育 family life education
* 儿童权益 rights of children
* 食物生产和农业 food production and agriculture
* 环境保护和教育 environmental conservation and education
* 再生能源 renewable energies
* 重新造林 reforestation
* 工作技能训练 job skills training
* 青年失业 youth unemployment
* 移民小区 immigrant communities
* 开发事务的教育 education about development